Becoming a Barn Hunt Club

Barn Hunt is a rapidly growing sport. We are actively seeking clubs interested in holding Barn Hunt events, especially in areas of the country where the sport is just getting started.

At this time, we are approving clubs located in areas where the sport needs expansion. For the most part we are not approving new clubs in areas already rich in opportunities.

Who can become a club?

Clubs must consist of at least 5 members. Each of those five members must have an individual email on the Barn Hunt Register. Each of those emails must be unique and must be the same email used by that person to register dogs, etc. The top 3 people on the listing will have Admin privileges and will need to have shown dogs to a specific level in the sport. We strongly suggest you create a formal club, set out bylaws and a constitution, have regular meetings, a Club Treasury, etc. But for the purposes of Barn Hunt, the word "Club" encompasses groups of individuals, already existing clubs doing other sports (i.e., a USDAA or AKC club), or commercial entities such as a dog training business. Any group of enthusiastic individuals can become a Barn Hunt club. Single-entity clubs are not allowed (one person doing all the work). At least 4 Club members are required to be on site during Events.

What does it cost?

There are some startup costs to becoming a Barn Hunt club but most of those costs are for inventory that will last a long time, such as Rat tubes, fencing, boards and ramps. Straw prices vary widely; in some parts of the country straw is $3-4 a bale, and in some parts as much as $20 a bale. Some of our clubs are actually able to rent straw at a reduced price. Straw, when properly stored, should last several trials but moldy, crumbly straw must be replaced. Rats are quite inexpensive. Breeders who also do Barn Hunt and are producing healthy, friendly rats who love the game. Of course proper housing, food, and care for your rats is essential.

Per event costs will include things like judge fees, ribbon costs, facility rental, etc.

The Barn Hunt office charges for fun test and trial applications, as well as a per-run fee for trials. Details are found in the rules.

Most clubs make a moderate to fairly significant positive net income from Barn Hunt, especially after the first few trials. We work really hard to make sure clubs can do things right and still come out ahead; clubs who lose money don't offer events, and we don't want that to happen.

Before Applying

Before anything else, there are a few documents to read. You must be familiar with all three Rulebooks, especially the Club Rulebook. You should keep track of the work you do volunteering for other clubs and at Events because that will enhance your application.

Club Application

The Club Application is on the Register, in the left menu. Log in to apply.

Holding Fun Tests

The Club Application will be reviewed after submission, and if it meets criteria the club will be approved to move to the next step. That next step is holding a Fun Test. New clubs may be required to hold more than one Fun Test or meet other criteria. If things continue to go well, clubs will then be licensed to hold actual trials. The approval to hold Trials will not occur until after the Fun Test has been held and reviewed.


At every step of the way the Barn Hunt office and others will help and mentor new clubs. Our goal is to help grow the sport, so making sure clubs are prepared and ready is of benefit for all.

Are you ready? Then Log in to the Register and apply to become a club!