2024 Barn Hunt National

The 2024 Barn Hunt National will take place October 25-27, at the Central building Ozarks Empire Fairgrounds, hosted by the Ozarks Mischief Barn Hunt Club. The National is a non-regular event where the best of the best in Barn Hunt are tested on a series of courses over three days to achieve Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals in Grand National, Games, and Versatility.

New Building Location Central Building

We will be located in a different building at the Ozarks Empire Fairgrounds from 2024 through 2026. This building is called the Central Building. It is 150 x 300 with a separate bathroom facility that has recently been remodeled.

Exterior end, Central Building   Interior, Central Building   Interior 2, Central Building


Interior 3, Central building   Exterior 2, Central Building   Exterior 3, Central Building

National Ring Layout.


Satellite view of the faigrounds property

2024 Rules


Special Entry Note: If you are entering online and entering Team with one teammate having a higher level title than the other, email ozarkmischiefbarnhunt@gmail.com prior to entry.

Schedule (tentative) Updated 10/3/2024

National Merch & Annual Awards Banquet Tickets

Special Stories

Each year, we feature up to 5 special dogs and people in the sport. How has Barn Hunt changed your, and your dog's, lives? If you would like to be considered for a Special Story, or would like to nominate a friend, please send an email to info@barnhunt.com. Instructions:

Entry Qualifications

In order to enter the Barn Hunt National, each dog must have attained a title of Master or above on or before May 31, 2024 or have a Bye from a Regional. The National opens July 1 and closes August 31. There will be a staged opening with preference given to Dogs with Gold Medals from the previous year's National, then Regional Byes, then an order to be determined. The National will fill when entry limits are met, and there are no guaranteed entries for RATM dogs. Check the Rules for more entry information.


Ozark Empire Fairgroundsz
Central Building (new location!)

3001 N. Grant
Springfield, MO 65803

The NADD National will be held in conjunction with the Barn Hunt National.

NOTE: We unfortunately will not be able to reschedule individual runs around the NADD National from our end, with the possible exception of their Finals. Please keep in mind if entering both events that the Barn Hunt run order will take priority. NADD will work with competitors.

RV Info

RV Registrations will be open for Barn Hunt only from August 15-22. From August 23 through September 15, NADD will be able to make reservations, and Barn Hunt will not be given priority. Look to the Premium for more information.

Springfield Facts

Springfield is alive with history from Wilson's Creek National Battlefield to the birthplace of Route 66. Springfield has the only drive through cave, Fantastic Caverns, which is dog friendly! We are home of several breweries that are also pet friendly. While here, one would be remiss if they didn't see the original home of Bass Pro where polite, leashed dogs are welcome. There are many beautiful parks as well. For more fun things to do with your dog while here, visit Springfield MO Pet Friendly.

The Springfield Airport services American, Delta, Allegiant, and United with non stops to many major hubs. http://www.flyspringfield.com/airlines.

There are many hotels and restaurants near the fairgrounds.

Weather in Springfield in mid-November averages 30s for lows and 50s for highs. Spingfield weather can be variable, so layers and rain gear are strongly encouraged.



Course 1: Jeff Dairiki Shoreline WA. Split ring Judge Kathy Marble Brown. Relief Judges Keri Ensign and Scott Andersen

Team: Kim Hott Marion IA and Connie Adams Cedar Rapids IA. Team Relief Judges Mark Shaw and Joyce Shively Team takes priority


Course 2: Kathy Marble Brown Mulberry FL. Split Ring Judge Jeff Dairiki. Relief Judges Kim Hott and Connie Adams. Course 2 takes priority.

Hurdles 1: Judge Keri Ensign Pickerington OH and Scott Anderson. Relief Judges Joyce Shively and Mark Shaw


Course 3: Mark Shaw Allen TX. Relief Judge Jeff Dairiki

Course 4: Joyce Shively Ashville OK. Relief Judge Kathy Marble Brown (line/DC judges as assigned).Course 4 takes priority.

Hurdles 2: Scott Andersen Redmond WA and Keri Ensign. Relief Judges Kim Hott and Connie Adams.

National Committee